Welcome to the 2016 All Star Home Page!
It's that time of year again! Here at Bonita Valley Girls ASA fast pitch softball, we have selected nine All Star teams to represent BVGASA throughout the
summer. We will follow all of the teams here with schedules, pictures, and team performance as the information becomes available.
If you have pictures or game results for any of our teams and would like to share, send your material to the Web Site Coordinator.
Monday, August 1st, 2016 7:30am Congrats to the National Champions!
Congratulations to the 12 Gold team for winning the ASA 12U Girls Fast Pitch Class B Western National Championship! All your hard work, commitment, and practice has paid off. National Champions!
The 14 Gold team came in 5th place out of 52 teams in the ASA 14U B Western National Championship Tournament. What a great season. Great Job!
Up next is 10 Gold is traveling to Medford, Oregon to play in the National Championship Tournament from 8/1 - 8/8. Go BV!
Tuesday, July 19th, 2016 7:30am Congrats to the 8 Gold and New Fundraiser for 10 Gold
Congratulations to the 8 Gold for coming in second at the ASA Regional Championship Tournament. They had some great games this weekend. BV Represent!
Help 10 Gold get to Nationals in Oregon by joining them at a fundraiser Friday, July 22nd from 4-8 PM at Halphen Red Burgers across from Southwestern College beside Fatte's Pizza. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 11:30am Great Job at the ASA State Championship Tournament!
This past weekend our BV Gold teams represented at the ASA State Championship Tournament. Congratulations to the 10 Gold team for making it to the championship game and coming in second out of 36 teams.
8 Gold finished 5th out of 32 teams. 12 Gold finished 5th out of 35 teams. 14 Gold finished 13th out of 32 teams. Great Job BV!
Up next (July 15-17) the 8 Gold team will play in the ASA Regional Championship Tournament in San Diego County. Good luck!
Congratulations to our 10 Gold, 12 Gold, and 14 Gold teams for qualifying to the ASA National Championship Trounament.
10 Gold will play in the ASA National Championship Tournament on August 1-8 at Medford, OR.
12 Gold will play in the ASA National Championship Tournament on July 26-31 at Kingsman, AZ.
14 Gold will play in the ASA National Championship Tournament on July 26-31 at La Habra, CA.
Friday, July 8th, 2016 7:00am Congrats to the Escondido Freedom Tournament Winners!
Congratulations to 10 Bronze, 12 Gold, and 14 Gold for bringing home the championship trophies at the Escondido Freedom Trournament. Also congratulations to the 10 Gold team for taking second place in their division. Go BV!
Up next (July 8-10) is the ASA State Championship Tournament for all of the Gold teams at Lacaster, CA. Good luck to all the BV teams!
Also, 12 Silver is participating at the Encino-Sherman Oaks Summer Slammer Trournament this weekend. BV Represent!
Tuesday, June 28th, 2016 9:00am Congrats to the ASA District Tournament Winners!
Our four gold teams played at the South San Diego B District Tournament in Santee this past weekend. 8 Gold took 3rd place in the tournament. 10 Gold took 2nd place in the tournament. 12 Gold came in first place in the tournmanent. 14 Gold came in third place in the tournement. Congrats for making it to States!
This upcoming weekend all of our teams will be playing in the Escondido Freedom tournament where some teams start playing on Thursday. Get it going BV!
Thursday, June 23rd, 2016 1:15pm Congrats to the Poway Summer Heat Classic Champions!
All of our teams this past weekend played at the Poway Summer Heat Classic Tournament. It was great to see the teams celebrating Father's Day on Sunday. 8 Silver, 10 Gold, 10 Bronze, and 12 Silver brought home the Championsip hardware in their divisions. Congrats!
This upcoming weekend our Gold teams will participate in the ASA District Tournament in Santee. Check out the All Star schedule page and click on the ASA district tournament link to look at the brackets. Go BV!
Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 2:30pm Congrats to the Temecula Old Town Shootout Champions!
Five of our teams made it to the Temecula Old Town Shootout Tournament championship game for their divisions. 10 Gold, 12 Gold, and 14 Gold were the Champions in their divisions.
8 Gold and 10 Silver brought home the runner up trophies in their divisions.Great Job!
All of our teams will play this weekend at the Poway Summer Heat Classic. Check out the All Star schedule page to find out what times teams are playing. Stay Strong BV!
Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 9:00am PYL Tournament
This past weekend all nine of our All Star teams participated at the PYL ALL-STAR TOURNAMENT. We had a great time away from home. Three of our teams went to the championship games in thier divisions where 10 Gold took home the Championship hardware. 14 Gold and 10 Silver won the second place trophies. Go BV!
This weekend comming up is the Temecula Old Town Shootout Tournament where all nine of our teams will participtate. BV's in the House!
Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 1:15pm 8U Gold Shakey's Fundraiser
BV 8 Gold All Star Team is having a Shakeys Fundraiser. Click on the image below for more information.

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 11:00am Great Start
Great start to the 2016 BV All Star season. The previous weekend some teams participated in the San Marcos Summertime Warm-up tournament where 12 Gold and 8 Gold won the championship hardware for thier divisions.
Also this past weekend all nine of our All Star teams participated at the PQ Memorial Day Classic tournament. It was great to see all the BV family out in force. Four of our teams went to the championship games in thier divisions where 14 Gold, 12 Gold, and 12 Silver won the Championship trophies. 8 Silver ended up with the second place trophy in a hard fought game. Congratulations to all!
Next up is the PYL All-Star Tournament where all nine teams will participtate. Go BV!
Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 10:30am 8U Silver Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser
BV 8 Silver All Star Team is having a Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser. Show your support by eating at Buffalo wild Wings and present the below image so that 10% of the sale will be donated to the team. Thanks!

Friday, May 20th, 2016 8:00am 8U Gold Gas Card Gold Fundraiser
BV 8 Gold All Star Team is holding a Gas Card Raffel Fundraiser.

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016 1:33pm 10U Gold Fundraiser
On Wednesday, May 18th at the Discovery Park snack bar, 10u gold will be selling BBQ pulled pork sandwiches with a side of potato salad for $6. Drinks sold separately.
On Saturday, May 21st 10u gold will hold a rummage sale from 6am until we sell out. Location is at 1249 fifth avenue (between Oxford and Palomar). We will be selling machaca burritos as well.
On Sunday, May 22nd 10u gold will be @ Sprouts in Chula Vista 690 3rd ave selling hotdogs and hamburgs. Will be there from noon until 5 pm.
Please come out to support, thank you!
Monday, May 9th, 2016 2:00pm 12U Gold Fundraiser
BV 12 Gold All Star Team is holding a rummage sale on May 14th. Come out and support, check out the image below for the information.

Friday, May 6th, 2016 5:30pm 8U Gold Fundraiser
BV 8 Gold All Star Team is holding a fundraiser for a chance to win a Hornblower Cruise. Check out the image below!

Friday, May 6th, 2016 5:30pm Roster Information Needed
If your team roster is not posted, it's because the information has not been sent in yet.
Please ask your manager or team mom to send the roster information to Raymond_L@bvgasa.org as soon as possible.
Also, if you see anything that needs correction feel free to send me an email. Thanks!