12U - Santee Champs
BV 10 vs. Rancho San Diego 0 in the championship
won 5 games 53-7, with 3 shut outs.
All 3 pitchers were great again... Rachel, Ivana and Madee pitched 25 innings giving up zero earned runs, walking 5 and only 15 hits.
Our defense again was outstanding ending the championship game with a double play!
Sabrina had 7 hits, 6 runs, 9 rbis and a homerun.
Jaqi had 5 hits, 6 runs, 2 walks, 4 rbis and a double play.
Ivana had 7 hits, 4 runs 9 rbis and 2 homeruns
Kaylynn had 6 hits, 6 runs, 3 rbis and a homerun.
Mahlia had 5 hits, 4 runs, 3 rbis.
Aida had 4 hits, 4 runs, 2 walks, 3 rbis.
Leira had 4 hits, 5 runs, 3 rbis.
Amanda had 4 hits, 2 runs, 3 walks and 5 rbis.
Ollie had 3 hits, 2 runs, 3 rbis in only 4 games.
Marissa had 4 hits, 4 runs, 3 rbis.
Natalie had 3 hits, 4 runs, 3 walks, 3 rbis.
Rachel had 3 hits, 3 runs, 3 rbis.
Madee had 1 hit, 3 runs, 5 walks 2 rbis.
Great Job again ALL GIRLS!!!
At June 9, 2009 11:44 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Once again girls awesome job you girls rock. Way to support the other teams. Thank you for supporting the 14UG in our championship game. :-)
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