Bonita Valley 12U Gold

Monday, August 3, 2009

12U National Champions!!!!!

All I can say is Wow!!  You girls are simply the Best!!!! Girls, thank you for a unbelievable finish to a already amazing season.  You showed so much heart and determination this weekend you were not going to be denied!!  Playing 14 games total and 8 of them in 2 days and not even skipping a beat. (I guess the conditioning did help after all ;)...  Congratulations girls nobody can ever take this from you...
Your 2009 12u ASA National Champs-  Bella,Haydn,Alex,Carolyn,Nikki,Shayne,Erika,Reyna,Anissa,Amanda,Alyssa,Ashley,Kelly, and Bat-girl Alizah..
Alyssa G.. Get well soon girl. way to leave it on the field for your team.  Parents Thanks for all the support.
coaches- Lance,Fernando,Laura,Bernie,Sharon,Nate.. thank you for all your hard work and dedication.  couldn't do it with out you guys/ladies!!!
C you all Soon

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oregon Here We Come!!

Wow, I cant beleive were already going to Nationals in the last week of the season. Time as gone by fast. Girls Its been great season.  Thinking back on the season, Us coaches are very pleased on the way you  all have came together as a team.  Now, lets go leave it all on the field up in Oregon and do what it takes to keep the 12u national champ banner here at Bonita Valley. No matter what girls, I'm very proud of each and everyone of you.  See you guys monday night when you get off the plane.  As soon as we step foot on Oregon, Its GAME TIME!!!!  Here's a qoute for you.
Muhammad Ali

Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have late minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.
Coach Johnny

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Keep It Rolling!!!

Congrats girls on another successful weekend. It was a long one for sure!!  Great job on finishing the tourney strong.  Now its time to step it up another notch and prepare for states.. So i wanted to share this with you... U Know the routine!!!

In order to make today a day we'll never forget, it's important that we play to win all day long. This "playing to win" commitment insures us a positive powered day - all day long. This playing to win mindset separates the winners from the pretenders. Playing to win - with purpose, passion and a zeal for living - is the only way to play the game. Winners only know one speed and that's playing at full throttle. Winners love life and life in return showers them with health, wealth and happiness.

But not all of us are winning in America. Instead of playing to win, these folks elect to play it safe. Taking chances or taking risks scare the heck out of these would-be winners. When they come face to face with those all important make or break moments in life, these people fold their tents and head for the hills. Before they even give themselves a chance to succeed, they quit. Rather than give it their all, they instead choose to give up.

How about you? Are you letting that born winner inside of you win? Are you always ready, willing and able to put it all on the line each and every day and give life your absolute best shot? Are you prepared to do whatever it takes, whenever it is needed - right here and right now?

John Jamison

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

District Champs!!!!

We Did it girls!!  From the first day of practice we set goals,  District Champs was one of them. You girls are playing amazing.  There were several parents and coaches who approached me and told me how great of a team you are.  Now Its time to start working on are 2nd goal.  See you girls today!!
Parents, Thank you for all the hard work aswell. You all came together and helped out so the girls could focus on playing Softball.
Coaches!! ur the best, Couldnt do it with out cha!! 
John Jamison

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Keep working hard!!

Hi girls, what a weekend.  It was our first weekend with some highs and lows.  what a come back on East County, down 4 - 0 and to come back late in the game, and win it in (International Tie-Breaker) ITB was amazing.  We fell short in the championship game but nothing to be ashamed about. Looking at your faces at the end of the game, told me you were going to learn from this loss and use it has motivation to get better.  keep your heads up and lets go get them up in Los Al this weekend.   Wanted to share this with you.  Girls you know the deal, its homework time. here u go!! 
It's oh so easy to say that winning doesn't matter -- until you lose. Then all of a sudden that winning side of the equation looks a heck of a lot better than your losing side. Winners fully realize that they're simply not going each and every time out. Whenever any of us takes a chance of laying it all on the line, there's always the possibility of suffering defeat in our quest for glory. But it's those taking of chances that makes life exciting and helps meld us into the winners we are destined to become. If you want to become a success, then you must exhibit the courage to encounter failure along the way.
Whenever a winner gives it his or her best shot and comes up a bit short this time around, the winner is renown for displaying good sportsmanship and congratulating the victor. The winner then immediately starts working to win the next time around. After all, winning is the goal. Simply because the winner lost this time around doesn't mean that he or she will lose the next time out. Winners accept setbacks and failure as temporary bumps on the road to the top. They see their failures as merely stepping stones to success. The possess a single-minded will to win - nothing less will suffice.
Coach Johnny

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Great weekend!!

Congrats Girls, what a weekend.  You girls are really coming together.  Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment and never say die attitude. What a championship game, everyone was really crushing the ball this weekend. All your hard work is really starting to payoff. Its just the begining and we have to keep working hard to get better each week, and to achieve our first goal (District Champs).  I hope you enjoyed your day off.  See you today, lets roll those sleeves up and get back to work!!!  
p/s-  since you guys did so good this weekend I decided not to give you any homework this week!!  
I also want to give a big thank you to the parents who took the girls to the movies, (jackie,maryann,gloria) they really enjoyed it.  To the rest of parents thank you for making sure the girls were fed in between games and your continued support.
Coach Johnny

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Great job girls..

Hello 12u gold girls and parents, First off, the coaching staff and I want to thank  you parents for your support and dedication this weekend.
Girls, way to bring home the 1st place trophy.  I'm proud of each and everyone of you.  You girls showed a lot of heart and fight in you this weekend.  Not bad, for our first tourney together.  It wasn't easy, but you guys stayed focused and found a way to come together as a team and win it.   Several of you came up with clutch hits/plays and Alex -  way to step up and pitch in pressure situations and finish them off.   With that said, girls I want to leave you with this...
How many times have you heard the familiar expression, "There's no 'I' in team?" I can almost guarantee you that every coach that you ever had made that statement more than a few times. These coaches had a job to do and that was to build a team where "together everyone achieves more." Since they were coaching a team sport, it was vitally important to the success of the team to meld all of the talents of each team member. Ball hogs and glory hounds tended to take away from the overall team effort, not to mention the dissension that predictably occurred when one member tried to steal the thunder from the rest of the group. Well it looks like there definitely is an 'I' in team after all. Each team member depends on each of the others to pull his or her own weight. If any team member fails to do his or her job, then the entire team suffers as a result. Team building is just what it says it is - pulling a group of individuals together to work as a cohesive unit. That means there's a lot of "I's" working together, doesn't it? You bet! How about you? Do you do whatever it takes, whenever it's needed, to help your team? Are you ready, willing and most of all, able to pitch in to make your team a winning one? It's absolutely crucial that you dig in and do your part. Your teammates need to know that they can count on you to give a 110% effort each and every time, especially when the going gets a bit rough. Winning isn't a once in a while thing. No, it's really an all consuming attitude that all winners possess - all of the time. Each of us were born to win. It's up to you to make sure that you do your part to make winning a way of life for your entire team as well.
Players win games. Teams win championships!!!!

 Coach Johnny

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Something to think about!

 Hello Girls wanted to share this with you..
Your will is an extremely compelling force. A winner holds inside himself or herself a resolute, unrelenting will to win. A winner is known for throwing his or her entire heart and soul into reaching out and achieving his or her individual dreams. A champion knows only one way to play the game of life and that way is full speed ahead. These power performers staunchly believe that anything (and I do mean anything!) that they can conceive in their minds and believe in their hearts, they can achieve in their lives. Nothing is ever out of reach for the real winners. While the would-be winners tend to view success as an impossible dream, the real winners see their success as an inevitable reality. They think like winners, they talk like winners, they act like winners and most of all, they see themselves as winners. Therein lies the elusive secret. A winner knows that he or she must first think, talk and act like a success story before he or she will become one. These top achieving individuals make the most of this "winning edge." They live each and every success in advance … in their minds. They can literally "see" it, "sense" it and "feel" it before it actually occurs. This sensory rich mental environment, where they see themselves winning over and over again in their minds, lays the all important groundwork for future success. This unique capacity to actually conceive success in advance strengthens and reinforces their ability to believe they can do it in their hearts.

Once the winners have crystallized a clear picture of where they are going in their minds and fervently believe in their hearts that they have what it takes to make it happen, they focus all of their efforts into converting this mental picture into a reality. Winners know, really know deep down where it counts, that they have what it takes to achieve whatever they truly want in life. They possess an unwavering commitment to excellence in everything they think, say or do.

Coach Johnny


Monday, May 11, 2009

BV Time!!

Hello Parents & Girls, wanted to let all you know the coaches and I are very excited about this years team.  Ill see everyone today at 4:30 at discovery.  Lets get this season started with a bang!!  ITs BV Time!!  coach Johnny
John Jamison

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2009 BVGASA 12U Gold All-Stars

Announcing our 2009 BVGASA 12U Gold All-Stars:

Alex V. - Assassins
Alyssa G. - Strikers
Amanda I. - Baby Got Bats
Anissa C. - BV Royals
Ashley Q. - Insanity
Bella J. - Dream Team
Carolyn W. - Showdown
Erika R. - Cheetos
Haydn C. - Showdown
Kellie W. - Insanity
Nikki F. - Dark Knights
Reyna J. - Cheetos
Shayne M. - Wild Wahinez


Friday, August 8, 2008

Top Ten Reasons to be a Bonita Valley 12U All Star Fan

Top 10 Reasons to be a BV 12U All Star Fan
10. There's no need to plan a summer vacation
9. You think your car's mileage is too low
8. You enjoy getting up at 6:00 on Saturday mornings
7. Concession stand nachos and hot dogs (yum!)
6. You think $200 is a great price for a softball bat
5. You find different ways to braid hair
4. Granola bars, oranges, and PB&J sandwiches again and again...
3. Washing dirty uniforms in the hotel laundry
2. Hearing Coach Kiko say "Lollipop!"
And the number 1 reason to be a BV 12U All Star Fan?
1. Because the BV 12U girls ........................ ARE AWESOME and the 2008 12U WESTERN NATIONAL CHAMPS!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

12U 2008 B Western National Champs!!!

Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.
Way to make things happen. We set our goals on the first day of practice and we achieved everyone of them. All of the long hours of practice, conditioning and hard work paid off. I hope that you all learned something this year not just about softball but that if you have a goal and you work hard you can achieve it. All of you girls are not only fantastic softball players but you are all awesome girls. Please know that I am so proud of each one of you and what you did to help win this National Championship.

Always remember girls that "Success is a journey, not a destination." This goes for what ever you choose to do. Keep working hard.

Our planning for a celebration is in the works. I will keep you all posted.

BV is the BEST!!
GO BV!!!
Coach Mary Lou

Monday, July 14, 2008

12U 2008 State Champs!!!

We did it girls!! 2008 12U State Champs!! I just wanted to congratulate each and everyone of you for such an outstanding accomplishment.

You all did such a fantastic job. Each one of you played a big part in getting our team victorious at this tournament. We(myself, the coaches, your parents, family and friends) are all proud of you and you should be proud of yourselves. Let your friends know that you are the top team in Southern California.

We have accomplished two thirds of our team goals. Let's really focus on the next third of our team goals. I know that by continuing to work hard as a team we will accomplish the last third of our team goals. I am sure I do not have to remind you as to what that last third is.

As a new week starts we need to get back to work. You have all been doing such an outstanding job at all practices and tournaments. Let's keep the high energy, the team spirit and the focus on the last leg of this journey we are on. Here are some words I want you all to think about when you think of our team.

"Teamwork is the merging of the skills and talents of a group of people into a single force much stronger than that of any individual. This force is unbeatable. It enables those who work together to win together."

Lastly I wanted to make a comment on my fine coaching staff. Guys I want to thank you for all of your efforts and dedication to this team. We could not have reached our team goals without you all. Also to the parents, family and friends, thanks for all of your positive support we definitely could not have done it without you all. I feel very lucky to be able to coach such a fine group of young girls. They are all awesome.

Remember: "Success is a journey, not a destination." Let's continue this journey right on to Las Vegas.
Viva Las Vegas!!
Go BV!!

Coach Mary Lou

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Freedom Tournament Finalist

Over the weekend we came up a little bit short, that's okay because it is this weekend that counts. Being defeated over the weekend is only a temporary condition, giving up is what makes it permanent and I know we are not even close to giving up. Think of it as a learning experience and that we can only get better from losing a game. Let's get down to work this week in practice. We all need to work hard and stay focused on our team goals.

Here are some thought to consider about winning

To continue to develop the winning attitude you must:

Become excited, confident and enthusiastic about your goals. Winners have plans to reach their goals. Winners make total commitment to their goals. If you believe you can, you will. Go for the GOLD!! Winning means believing in yourself...Believing you can perform at the standards it takes to win. When you see yourself a winner, you will be. And lastly a positive attitude is a WINNING ATTITUDE!!!

Keep up all of your hard work and of course continue to develop your winning attitude. You are all awesome.

Coach Mary Lou